A Doctor, and Who Practices his Profession- An article by Dr Sanjib Sarmah

70 years of democracy experimentation has brought in corruption, under development, tardiness of progress, mudslinging, bickering and nothing else. Governance is not party politics. Why do we need parties like a public limited, private limited or proprietorship business. This experiment has already been done. What we need is governance. We must do away with parties. We do not need suffrage where the general public is brainwashed with religion, caste, language, regionalism and make them forget the real need of proper roads, proper drainage, electricity, food ,housing ,education, health, a conducive business atmosphere, easy loans, banking, scientific temperament, boosting civic sense and eradicate poverty.
Some politicians go to any length criticizing one’s own people in a alien country in front of alien people. What would these aliens immediately think? They would think that these people do not have any internal cohesion and their social infrastructure is weak. They would make schemes to infiltrate and create espionage plans to make the country weaker socially, educationally and financially.
This is the situation these innumerable parties (Sic Companies) have ultimately got us into. Media houses and people talk about joblessness. Who wants a proper constructive job when you can make innumerable small ‘Sangthans’(Unions and associations) in the name of caste, creed and joblessness? The Cancer has spread so wide, that the bigger parties are using the smaller parties to do their dirty jobs.
The smaller parties are made up of former Vagabonds, school & College dropouts. Rather than staying and thinking about the fields they are into they end up in the streets. Thousands of these Ex farmers become local ‘netas’. They extort money from the farmers of the fields, from the small shops, families, the bigger shop owners, from the small and big SSI units. They ask for protection money. Misguided youths masquerade as saviours of the people .Some people masquerading as media houses swoop down on hapless people to extort. If the citizens refuse or express inability to pay them these people masquerading as media persons would make the life of the citizen unbearable. On top of it if any duty abiding citizen makes a bonafide mistake all hell would break loose. The person sometime has to commit suicide, lose money and his family would be destroyed. Nobody wants justice to be given to that person.
We do not need parties we need good governance and the government run by good, knowledgeable, patriotic persons. Else we are doomed with our own bickering and mudslinging.
It is time we change the constitution or amend it. These who want to be in the government and run the country must give entrance examination at different levels just like NEET, JEE, CLAT, MAT etc. There is no need of election by the general public who are hardly knowledgeable enough to learn good from the bad. They are impressionable public. Impression by people masquerading as media houses, those crooked politicians, bureaucrats and the local ‘mastaan’.
Enough of brainwashing by these crooks.
Let us change the system. It must be a socio capitalist government where the poor, downtrodden, politically, socially, educationally and economically weak be given opportunity by financially assisting them to come up to the level of the educationally, socially, economically strong people. In the meantime the economically strong must also be given opportunity to expand their horizon. These are the people who bring glory to the country, make money for the country by doing business in the whole world, maybe outer space and different worlds that might come up later.
Let us make dreams to become reality. Let us not keep ourselves confined and think every day after getting up from the bed about the availability of the cooking gas, pay our electricity bills, pay our income tax, premium of insurance, diesel and petrol prices. This is for the government to think and make these mechanisms easier. All streams must be taught at the first level with political implications vis-a-vis rest of the world.
No doubt there would be extreme resistance to this form of government from everyone, crooked people masquerading as media houses and politicians big and small who obviously would worry because the middlemen function in them and their henchmen would be threatened. They would be squealing of the murder of democracy, human rights abuse, freedom of speech, lack of involvement of people because of the abolition of suffrage, as if there is involvement of people and freedom of speech etc.
Let us start somewhere to bring in such a government. All able thinkers must sit down and draw a plan.
I feel there must be online examination right from the entry level into governance. Students must be taken from any stream who can give this first level after +2 exams.
All these resistance must be countered by educating the public continuously using mass media. Government and governance upholding the few must be explained. There would be no curtailing of freedom of speech and media houses would be there in place. Change, public debate would be there. Industrialization, environment, world domination though economic progress must be focused. I have seen so many unscrupulous unworthy people with obvious connection with the politicians grow rich almost overnight. They were the backbenchers in the school whose parents are also of doubtful integrity.
Level 2 examinations would be obviously tougher as world politics, science and technology would come to the fore. Internship and field visits where they need to submit field reports online must be done within a stipulated time period.
More details can be provided where I have thought about 5 levels of entry before finally getting appointed as a government provider. People of good knowledge would thereby be selected and made to govern. I am sure some other countries would adapt and make change who would like to improve the quality of living in their country.
I wish I could see changes in governance in my country during my lifetime.

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